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Created in conjunction with intensive post-abuse counseling with friend and mentor, Betty Johnston, PhD., and combining over 60 years of experience, our curriculum focuses on the love of Christ as a crucial part of the healing process. While we don’t “force God” on anyone, we believe that He is Love, which is the answer to the healing and restoration in the lives of human trafficking survivors. Below you can find a quick overview of what we teach. 



A Christian Approach to Complete Rehabilitation After Abuse





Vos También Ministries

Crisis Center/Safe House

Long-Term Rehabilitation Center

Christ-Centered Abuse Counseling







Our rehabilitation program focuses on a one year journey. This time frame is flexible, and based on the needs of each individual that comes to the center.





Upon arrival at the crisis center, each girl is given a handmade bag that includes a Bible, a journal, a pen, a complete comfortable outfit, a shopping card, toiletries and a pair of flip flops. On acceptance into the rehabilitation program they will also receive the daily devotional book, a treasure box, a welcome letter, toiletries, towels and linens.


Each bedroom houses four girls with a dividing wall halfway down the room. This provides some amount of privacy, while still providing a sense of community and accountability. These rooms will always be filled in such a way that each room contains women in various stages of the program. This group will be their family while they are in the program, helping each other through their lessons and provide a loving and supportive environment for healing.





The one-year rehabilitation program is divided into four 3-month sessions: God is Love, Identity, Loving Myself, and Forgiveness.




The first session focuses on learning who God is: LOVE. For the first three months the girls learn all about who God is and how much He loves His children. The devotions in their book contain applicable stories, activities, prayers, and scriptures that teach these principles. They will have hour-long group lessons Monday through Friday that also focus on God’s amazing Love. During this time, each girl attends four private counseling sessions per week with Vos También counseling staff.




The second session focuses on learning about identity. The devotionals and group lessons addresses personal identity and who God created each of us to be. At this stage, each girl will receive three private counseling sessions per week with the Vos También staff. Our focus at this point is to encourage each girl to examine who she is, the gifts and talents she has been given and the desires God has placed in her heart.




The third session focuses on teaching the girls to love themselves for who they are. Our caring and skilled staff works with them on a daily basis to understand the value that they have as individuals and the importance of loving themselves and others. During this quarter, they receive two scheduled counseling sessions per week.




During this final phase of recovery, we focus on the importance of forgiveness. We carefully and compassionately teach the girls what it means to hold onto resentment, and the freedom that comes from learning to forgive not only others, but herself. Each girl now receives one scheduled counseling session per week.


We understand that every person recovers at her own pace, and every quarter is written to be tailored to the needs of the individual. Some girls may take a bit more than a year, some may take less. Our purpose is to help survivors heal at their own pace.




Our program has scheduled activities throughout the day to provide structure. There are mandatory quiet times, “family” study times, chapel, and classes. There are also elective classes and free times to allow some freedom of choice and independence.




Our program provides classes designed to equip the residents with life skills and training. The goal is for every girl to leave the center with abilities that will help her to succeed in the world outside the rehab center. Our courses include (but are not limited to):



Home Economics


Fashion Design


Jewelry Making


Animal Husbandry





First Aid/CPR


© 2023 por Vos Tambien Ministries

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